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Hopkinton Animal Hospital

Noise Phobias: Summer Storms and Fireworks

golden retriever, Carly chewing on frozen treat and Adie wearing headphones

Between fireworks and thunderstorms, summer is stressful for our two dogs. Last year, we heard fireworks every night from June 29th through July 15th! Here’s what we’ve found works:

Adie is our nervous Nellie – we can hear furniture or heating baseboard shaking if she’s touching them. Sileo came out last year and is a game-changer for her. Manufactured by Zoetis, it is a gentle medication for noise phobias. A gel that we place in her cheek, It doesn’t knock her out and she stays alert – it just relaxes her. We can adjust how much we give her based on how nervous she is. Most importantly, she becomes part of the family again.

Carly is the less nervous of our two dogs. For her, distracting her with an awesome treat is enough to get her through the fireworks or storm. After loading up a Kong with peanut butter and treats, we freeze it so we always have one ready. A frozen treat takes more focus and takes her longer to get through it.